Divination: exploring the Tenebrous runic-tarot – series introduction

Those who have read Nine Keys of Abyssal Darkness will know that divination is a topic of interest to me. The Sixth Key of my book contains a detailed overview of the divination system I’ve devised. Said system is a hybrid of tarot and runes, but also has several features distinct from either of those systems.

I’ve wanted for some time to elaborate on certain details of this system. It made sense, though, to wait until my book had been out long enough for others to develop an interest. I’m feeling said time has come, or at least, is close enough for blogging on this topic to be productive. So in this entry, I’ll be setting down some ideas for specific angles I’d like to explore going forward.

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Round-up of 2024 blog posts

Time for a round-up of everything I’ve written on this blog in 2024:

Baneful magick series

Tenebrous Satanism -related stuff

Other miscellaneous topics

Closing thoughts

2024’s definitely been a bit of a mixed bag re: new horizons and opportunities vs. setbacks and disappointments. I can’t complain about selling over 120 books in 12 different countries despite not trying nearly as hard as I should on promotion, though, and seeds have been planted on an initiative or two that I hope to see bear fruit in years to come.

As always, my thanks to everyone who has supported me on this blog, on Facebook, on X and on Telegram as my journey continues…

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Causal / acausal dimensions of magick

Between my in-person and online interactions, I find certain themes and implicit questions recur re: the nature of magick. So for this post, what I thought I’d do is address a few of those. They pertain to such topics as how I define magick, the causal/acausal distinction, and different approaches to magick.

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Baneful magick: politicians, collectives, spirits – part 2

Many magicians seem to hold the view that certain targets are not suitable for baneful magick. There seems in particular to be widespread skepticism about cursing such targets as politicians and spirits. My own intuition is that indeed, one is unlikely to get results from baneful magick against targets like these. But I’m not particularly satisfied with rationales I’ve seen elsewhere as to why you “can’t” curse spirits and politicians effectively. I’ll therefore be working through a few of my thoughts on the topic in this entry – specifically, regarding why I think baneful magick on such targets tends not to work. I’ll also discuss the issue of whether casting curses against collectives of people is similarly an act of folly.

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Baneful magick: politicians, collectives, spirits – part 1

Many magicians seem to hold the view that certain targets are not suitable for baneful magick. There seems in particular to be widespread skepticism about cursing such targets as politicians and spirits. My own intuition is that indeed, one is unlikely to get results from baneful magick against targets like these. But I’m not particularly satisfied with rationales I’ve seen elsewhere as to why you “can’t” curse spirits and politicians effectively. I’ll therefore be working through a few of my thoughts on the topic in this entry. I’ll also discuss the issue of whether casting curses against collectives of people is similarly an act of folly.

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Excerpts from Nine Keys of Abyssal Darkness: Intro and First Key

The one-year anniversary of the publication of Nine Keys of Abyssal Darkness falls in September. So this struck me as a good time for something I’ve meant to do for awhile: post a few excerpts.

Here are two .pdfs for those curious to check out the book prior to purchasing it:

Introduction to Nine Keys of Abyssal Darkness
The First Key: The Just Preference of Earth Over Heaven

Read the rest of this post for some related reflections of mine.

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Against “it’s cool to be evil”

When one’s Satanism, like mine, is adjacent to the Order of Nine Angles (ONA/O9A), certain issues inevitably arise. One of these is running into Satanists who talk as if “it’s cool to be evil.” On one hand, I understand how a degree of flirtation with evil is inherent to the left-hand-path. But on the other, I ultimately find such talk counterproductive. This post will undertake a detailed examination of why.

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Baneful magick with the Nekalah, part 3

Something I’ve increasingly been thinking this blog could use is more of my personal gnosis re: the Nekalah. Toward that end, this entry shares some thoughts I have on working baneful magick with these entities. There will be three entries in this sub-series: 1) Nekalah who I’ve known to be quite keen on baneful magick, but only in specific circumstances; 2) Nekalah who, despite being entities of Darkness, nonetheless lean toward solving problems in a non-baneful manner; and finally, 3) Nekalah who might plausibly described as specialists in malice. This entry will discuss those I class in the third category: Abatu, Azanigin, Gaubni, Nythra, Shaitan, and Shugara.

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“Why Tenebrous Satanism instead of some other Satanic denomination?”

“Why Tenebrous Satanism instead of some other Satanic denomination?”, someone recently asked me. Answering said inquiry has inspired me to write the post that follows. Denominations I’ll address include LaVeyan Satanism, The Satanic Temple, Luciferianism, and the Order of Nine Angles (ONA/O9A). Why did I develop my own denomination instead of just joining one of these? Read the post to find out.

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Esoteric recruiting and mentoring questions

Let’s say you’ve decided to assemble a group for Satanic purposes – i.e., what the Order of Nine Angles (ONA/O9A) might call a nexion. This post details some of my thought process in connection with such an endeavor. Were I to take on the esoteric recruiting and mentoring of novices, for instance, what would I need to know about such individuals as a starting point? Below are a list of questions that I’d want answers for, together with commentary on why I’d be asking them.

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