Divination: exploring the Tenebrous runic-tarot – series introduction

Those who have read Nine Keys of Abyssal Darkness will know that divination is a topic of interest to me. The Sixth Key of my book contains a detailed overview of the divination system I’ve devised. Said system is a hybrid of tarot and runes, but also has several features distinct from either of those systems.

I’ve wanted for some time to elaborate on certain details of this system. It made sense, though, to wait until my book had been out long enough for others to develop an interest. I’m feeling said time has come, or at least, is close enough for blogging on this topic to be productive. So in this entry, I’ll be setting down some ideas for specific angles I’d like to explore going forward.

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“Contemplation of the Nine-Angled Nexion” in Tenebrous Satanism

In light of the imminent publication of Nine Keys of Abyssal Darkness, I thought I’d preview some of my material. This post will therefore give a taste of the Fifth Key’s meditation practices. The meditation I describe here is called “Contemplation of the Nine-Angled Nexion”. I’ll be explaining the background of that name, what the meditation is meant to do, and what it generally entails.

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Magick vs. science in Tenebrous Satanism

Despite being of a tradition whose initiation protocol uses astrological symbolism, astrology is among several parts of the occult that I have little use for. How does one go about drawing such lines, though? For instance, how can one believe in “spirits,” yet be critical of other folks’ anti-scientific worldviews? This entry is about where I draw the lines of magick vs. science in Tenebrous Satanism, and why…

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