A final update for Nine Keys of Abyssal Darkness?

Up to the publication of Nine Keys of Abyssal Darkness, I’d been posting updates on book progress every six months. I haven’t decided yet whether to continue this pattern in connection with future projects. I do however want to post a “final” book update, now that it’s been out for a couple months. For one thing, I thought I would share a few thoughts on how the launch period has gone so far. For another, several aspects of my work I’d like to hear more feedback on than I’ve received so far…

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2023 update on Nine Keys publication…

Previously I was doing six month updates on what’s happening with Nine Keys of Abyssal Darkness. There wasn’t much to report last November though because the day job was massively getting in the way for awhile there. Probably three-quarters of the time since then hasn’t been great either. A lot of progress happened in the last few weeks, though. I’ve also recently gained more insight into what still needs doing. Hence, just a few notes here about that.

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Another progress update on Nine Keys publication…

The last time I posted an update on Nine Keys of Abyssal Darkness was about six months ago. I therefore thought I’d say a bit about that here today. Doing so helps me take stock of where I’m at, in addition to satisfying others’ curiosity re: current progress.  There’s also some links to previous blog entries in here, for those who may have only started following recently…

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An update regarding Nine Keys publication…

With only a month left in the year, it’s become apparent that 2021 publication for my book isn’t happening. I’ve heard from many sources that the final phase of publishing one’s first book tends to inevitably run longer than expected. Certainly that is part of what’s happening here. Additionally though, there is simply an incompatibility between the rhythms of my day job and making progress at the moment. In such circumstances, one gains nothing by trying to rush to meet a self-made deadline. And so, given said work rhythms, something in the range of April-August 2022 is likely more realistic. Below are some details re: the book’s status, though – mostly taking stock for myself, but sharing for those curious…

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