Here’s a quick round-up of everything I’ve written on this blog in 2021:
On the doctrine and practice of Tenebrous Satanism:
- Does advancing in Tenebrous magick require practicing meditation?
- How worried should I be that Tenebrous Satanism “draws inspiration” from Order of Nine Angles?
Spoiler: I definitely sympathize with anyone concerned, but no, we are NOT Nazis, criminals or etc.! If you are looking for my take on the Nekalah, the Dark Gods of O9A, I refer to them generally in this post and to a specific one, Nythra, in this post.
On my personal views and experiences as a Tenebrous Satanist:
- The significance of the Moon for occult endeavors
- My thoughts about the applicability of labels such as “Luciferian,” “theistic,” etc. to what I do
- Why the inverted cross is a valid Satanic symbol
Note: I know “it’s the Petrine cross” – read my argument re: why it can still be “Satanic” anyway! - On navigating the tension between science and magick
Note: In the time since I wrote this, Twitter’s proved educational re: I did not know how much I did not know about astrology; my personal experience remains that thus far I have not found it useful + continue to be skeptical, but I may revisit that specific topic with more nuance and reflection sometime in the future.
Explorations of Satanic narratives:
- Intro to the “Is Empathy Satanic?” series
- The Serpent in Eden (Empathy 1)
- Satan in the Book of Job (Empathy 2)
- The Abyssal Void of Darkness and the Nekalah (Empathy 3)
Black metal bands who have inspired me:
To lastly touch on an update I issued in November: my day job’s situation is evolving in a direction that will cause it to totally monopolize my time from January to April. So I suspect the June-August range of 2022 may be most realistic re: the earliest I anticipate Nine Keys of Abyssal Darkness going to print.
So that’s it for 2021. Big thanks to everyone who has supported me on this blog, on Facebook, and on Twitter throughout this initial part of my journey!