Round-up of 2024 blog posts

Time for a round-up of everything I’ve written on this blog in 2024:

Baneful magick series

Tenebrous Satanism -related stuff

Other miscellaneous topics

Closing thoughts

2024’s definitely been a bit of a mixed bag re: new horizons and opportunities vs. setbacks and disappointments. I can’t complain about selling over 120 books in 12 different countries despite not trying nearly as hard as I should on promotion, though, and seeds have been planted on an initiative or two that I hope to see bear fruit in years to come.

As always, my thanks to everyone who has supported me on this blog, on Facebook, on X and on Telegram as my journey continues…

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Round-up of 2023 blog posts

Time for my usual quick annual round-up of everything I’ve written in 2023.

It seems that the two most prevalent themes on the blog this year were i) baneful magick, and ii) reflecting on Satanism’s convergences and divergences with other religious and/or esoteric ideologies:

Baneful magick series

Satanism vs. other religions

  • Satanism and Buddhism: some interesting parallels
    You’d think they’d be fully opposite, and yet…
  • Satanism, Gnosticism and Kabbalah
    It seems to me that Gnosticism is one of the most opposed creeds to Satanism it is possible to devise. I don’t know then why some Satanists seem so keen on embracing Gnostic ideas. Especially insofar as the self-same Satanists are often vehemently anti-Kabbalah. “Pretentious anti-worldly body-hating philosophies are only cool so long as Jews aren’t the ones behind them,” guys? 😉 I’m not that quite that snarky in this entry, but seriously, I do think certain Satanists could stand to think harder about what’s going on here.
  • Commentary on the Tenebrous Creed
    Curious about what my book is all about? If you’re new on this page, this is a good entry to read along with What is Tenebrous Satanism?
  • Is Theistic Satanism an inherently right-hand-path religion?
    A consideration of multiple definitions of “left-hand path” and “right-hand path”. A key point this entry makes is that theism itself need not be inherently right-hand-path. Vs. If you think that it is, you may yourself be possessed by unacknowledged right-hand-path assumptions re: the only possible relationship a person can have with a god is a servile one, as opposed to relating as equals, allies, etc.

Other entries

Closing thoughts

This has been what I’d consider an especially good year from me, with the minor exception of health issues plus work obligations getting in the way of promoting Nine Keys of Abyssal Darkness quite as aggressively as I’d have liked for the last few months. I anticipate things improving on that front in the new year, though!

As always, my thanks to everyone who has supported me on this blog, on Facebook and on X as my journey continues…

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Round-up of 2022 blog posts

Here’s a quick round-up of everything I’ve written on this blog in 2022:

On magical praxis:

Other metaphysical stuff:

On Satanic ethos more generally:

A couple sources of inspiration…

…and a couple more personal entries

Lastly, a quick update:

Certainly there have been some bright spots this year, foremost being that my ever-ongoing string of synchronicities involving a certain black metal band has now wound up connecting me with an unexpectedly excellent consort.  In areas impacting my productivity, though, this has not been the best year for me.  Between having surgery, being ill no less than four times, and assorted work-related disruptions, many things have not gone as smoothly as I would have liked.

Nonetheless, on Xmas day I finished approving all changes that emerged out of the professional editing of Nine Keys of Abyssal Darkness.  The main things still remaining to do are largely in such areas as formatting, cover design, and other such pre-publication errands.  I also have a certain amount of additional work to do now in rendering past blog entries consistent with stylistic changes I’ve made to the book – something I’ll be posting updates about on my social media as things proceed in the next while.

As I discovered during this last year, it is perilous to predict a release date when one hasn’t written a book before and hence lacks a full grasp of what all is involved.  At minimum though, I do badly want to get to where I would be able to announce a release date by August 2023, if not before.

As always, thanks to everyone who has supported me on this blog, on Facebook, and on Twitter as my journey continues…

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Round-up of 2021 blog posts

Here’s a quick round-up of everything I’ve written on this blog in 2021:

On the doctrine and practice of Tenebrous Satanism:

On my personal views and experiences as a Tenebrous Satanist:

Explorations of Satanic narratives:

Black metal bands who have inspired me:

To lastly touch on an update I issued in November: my day job’s situation is evolving in a direction that will cause it to totally monopolize my time from January to April.  So I suspect the June-August range of 2022 may be most realistic re: the earliest I anticipate Nine Keys of Abyssal Darkness going to print.

So that’s it for 2021. Big thanks to everyone who has supported me on this blog, on Facebook, and on Twitter throughout this initial part of my journey!

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